The Power of God International Ministry strives to spread love and promote peace among each member to be on one accord – which can only be found through Christ Jesus.

Our Guiding Scripture

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the utmost part of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

Meet Apostle IB


Apostle Ibrahim (IB) Kamara is the founder and senior pastor of the Power of God International Ministry located in Kissimmee, Florida. Originally from Sierra Leone, West Africa, he is a chosen and anointed prophet of God who flows in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He is a charismatic pastor who believes that one should have a powerful and uncompromised prayer life.

Apostle IB has served in many leadership positions, and is a humble servant of God. He stands on God’s word in Amos 3:7, “Surely the sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plans to His servants the prophets.”

He is a healthcare professional, and earned his Masters degree in Health Care Management at Marymount University. Apostle IB is married to the beautiful and supportive Marie Kamara, and together they have three beautiful children.

Meet Prophetess Marie

Prophetess Marie

Prophetess Marie Kamara is a dynamic, God-appointed Woman of Destiny who is highly gifted as an aggressive and powerful intercessory prayer warrior, bound to set the atmosphere whenever she prays.

This woman of God is charismatic, vibrant, energetic, funny, and is admired for her humility, integrity, grace, and authenticity. With an undeniable passion for empowering women and young ladies, it is evident that God has called her to lead and be a “life changer” for today’s generation.

Prophetess Marie has been commissioned to raise up an army of women who are full of prayer, victorious in living and knowing who they are and whose they are.

She is the visionary of the powerful Angelic Women’s Conference, and she has served in several leadership roles in ministry dedicated to helping women unveil their God-given identity, purpose, and destiny.

She earned a Masters Degree in Health Care Management at Marymount University and is currently an Executive Director in the health care field where she loves working with her patients and families.

Meet Rev. Mary Johnson

Rev. Mary Johnson

Rev. Mary Helena Johnson  an associate Pastor at The Power of God International Ministries. She is a chosen, appointed and anointed servant of God. Her roles within the Kingdom of God include Bible teacher, conference speaker, author and church board member.

She possesses spiritual and administrative leadership experience in the areas of intercessory prayer, altar ministry, small group bible study, Christian Education/Sunday School and biblical lay counseling leader and instructor of New Members & Discipleship orientation sermon presenter for Sunday and mid-week services, conference speaker; and small-group bible study leader.

Rev. Mary enjoys international evangelism, serving with mission teams ranging from the Caribbean and Canada to Europe and Africa.

Rev. Mary holds a Master of Science degree in Nutrition & Food from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and a Bachelor of Arts degree summa cum laude in Education from the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, San Juan.